연도 2001 
저널명 IEEE Transactions On Plasma Science 

For a low-pressure (1–100 mtorr) oxygen RF discharge plasma, the scaling laws for the densities of charged species such as positive ion, negative ion, and electron are estimated in terms of external and internal plasma parameters for the ion-flux-loss-dominated region based on the global balance equations. The scaling formulas are compared with Langmuir probe measurement results performed on a planar inductively coupled oxygen plasma. The transition point from the ion-flux-loss-dominated region to the recombination-loss-dominated region moves to a lower pressure region as the absorbed power increases.


연도 저널명 제목 조회 수
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2015  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON Semiconductor Manufacturing  Enhancement of the Virtual Metrology Performance for Plasma-assisted Oxide Etching Processes by Using Plasma Information (PI) Parameters 4304
2006  Japanese Journal of Applied Physics  Etching of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Energetic Plasma Ions 4414
    The operation properties of DBD reactors in air pressure with varying the capacitance of reactors file 4461
    정전 탐침을 이용한 유도 결합형 반응기에서 발생하는 산소 플라즈마의 특성연구 file 4482
2006  Japanese Journal of Applied Physics  Investigation of Current on the Conducting Target Biased with a Large Negative Potential in the Non-Uniform Plasma 4589
1993  Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology  Two-Dimensional Mapping of Plasma Parameters Using Probes in an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Etching Device 4645
2004  Surface and Coatings Technology  Time-resolved plasma measurement in a high-power pulsed ICP source for large area 4680
1992  Plasma Sources Science & Technology  Measurements of the presheath in an electron cyclotron resonance etching device 4684
1999  Journal of aerosol science  Charge measurement on monodisperse particles in a DC glow discharge plasma 4702
2000  Plasma sources science & technology  Design and operation of an Omegatron mass spectrometer for measurements of positive and negative ion species in electron cyclotron resonance plasmas 4912
2012  Journal of the Korean Physical Society  Field Emission Characteristics of Cone-shaped Carbon-nanotube Bundles Fabricated Using an Oxygen Plasma 4949
2001  Japanese journal of applied physics  Plasma Source Ion Implantation for Ultrashallow Junctions: Low Energy and High Dose Rate 5020
2013  Journal of Applied Physics  Low-energy D+ and H+ ion irradiation effects on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite 5056
2000  REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS  Effect of harmonic rf fields on the emissive probe characteristics 5358


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