연도 2010 
저널명 Thin Solid Films 

Plasma polymer coatings were deposited from hexamethyldisiloxane on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrates while varying the operating conditions, such as the Ar and O2 flow rates, at a fixed radio frequency power of 300 W. The water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of the untreated PET was 54.56 g/m2/day and was decreased after depositing the silicon oxide (SiOx) coatings. The minimum WVTR, 0.47 g/m2/day, was observed at Ar and O2 flow rates of 4 and 20 sccm, respectively, with a coating thickness of 415.44 nm. The intensity of the peaks for the Si-O-Si bending at 800-820 cm- 1 and Si-O-Si stretching at 1000-1150 cm- 1 varied depending on the Ar and O2 flow rates. The contact angle of the SiOx coated PET increased as the Ar flow rate was increased from 2 to 8 sccm at a fixed O2 flow rate of 20 sccm. It decreased gradually as the oxygen flow rate increased from 12 to 28 sccm at a fixed Ar carrier gas flow rate. The examination by atomic force microscopy revealed a correlation of the SiOx morphology and the water vapor barrier performance with the Ar and O2 flow rates. The roughness of the deposited coatings increased when either the O2 or Ar flow rate was increased.


연도 저널명 제목 조회 수
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