연도 1995 
저널명 Physics of Plasmas 

The effects of both magnetic field and collisions on presheath properties are experimentally
 investigated in plasmas with electron temperatures much greater than ion temperatures.
 Measurements of plasma potential in collisionless plasmas show presheath thicknesses at
 boundaries oblique to magnetic field to be approximately (C,lw,;)sin I+$ where C, is the ion sound
 speed, wci is the ion gyrofrequency, and ‘4’ is the angle between the magnetic field and the normal
 to the wall boundary. Measurements of plasma potential in collisional plasmas find presheaths
 consisting of two distinctive regions. With ion-neutral collision mean-free path A,<( C,/w,i)sin ~4,
 the presheath region next to the sheath has collisional characteristics and a thickness of
 approximately (0.5 - 0.6)h, . The corresponding presheath region adjacent to the bulk plasma has
 magnetic characteristics and a thickness of approximately (0.5 - 0.9) (C,lW,i) sin $. Equipotential
 contours in the collisional region of this presheath are found to be parallel to the boundary, while
 those in the magnetic region are not.



연도 저널명 제목 조회 수
2017  Physics of Plasmas  Bullet-to-streamer transition on the liquid surface of a plasma jet in atmospheric pressure 1181
2020  Physics of Plasmas  Predictive Control of the Plasma Processes in the OLED Display Mass Production Referring to the Discontinuity Qualifying PI-VM 3800
2019  Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion  Application of of PI-VM for management of the metal target plasma etching processes in OLED display manufacturing 1116
2019  Plasma Processes and Polymers  Cause Analysis of the Faults in HARC Etching Processes by Using the PI-VM Model for OLED Display Manufacturing 1316
2004  Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on  Analysis of Langmuir Probe Data Using Wavelet Transform 4138
1992  Plasma Sources Science & Technology  Measurements of the presheath in an electron cyclotron resonance etching device 4632
2000  Plasma sources science & technology  Asymmetric plasma potential fluctuation in an inductive plasma source 6009
2000  Plasma sources science & technology  Design and operation of an Omegatron mass spectrometer for measurements of positive and negative ion species in electron cyclotron resonance plasmas 4878
2012  PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY  Characteristics of vapor coverage formation on an RF-driven metal electrode to discharge a plasma in saline solution 9622
2017  Plasma Sources Science and Technology  Ion-neutral collision effect on ion-ion two-stream-instability near sheath-presheath boundary in two-ion-species plasmas 3430
2022  Plasma Sources Science and Technology  Investigation of ion collision effect on electrostatic sheath formation in weakly ionized and weakly collisional plasma file 433
1993  Review of scientific instruments  Direct Measurement of Plasma Flow Velocity Using a Langmuir Probe 4086
2000  REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS  Effect of harmonic rf fields on the emissive probe characteristics 5331
2008  Review of Scientific Instruments  Self-consistent circuit model for plasma source ion implantation 6112
2016  Science of Advanced Materials  Characteristics of Molybdenum as a Plasma-Generating Electrode 1869


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