Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society ||1999||8(4)||||565||||박준용, 김현수, 권광호, 김곤호, 염근영||||In this study, high-den si ty p Iasma etchi ng ch ar act cr i st ics of I TO (indi um t in ox id e) f i1m s used f or
transpar ent eleÉtro de in di spl ay dev i ces w ere i nvest igated . Pl asm a di agno sdc and surf ace an aly sis too Is w ere
u sed to und erstand etch r eact ion mechanism . T he etch rate of r r o w as i ncr eased by me in crease of react ive rad -
i c aIs such as H and C H 1 w ith the add i ti on of m oderate amo un t of C H 4 to A r. H ow ev er, the add i t ion of excess
am ou nt of C H4 d ecreased po ssib ly due to the incr ased p ol y mer fo n nat i on on the I TO sur f ace being etc hed .
T he i ncrease of sou rce pow er and b ias v ol tage i ncreased ITO etch rates but i t decreased se1ec tiv i ti es o ver un der -
lay ers (SiO 2, Si 3N 4) . TK i ncreasc of w or k ing pressure up to 2O m Torr al so i ncreased Fr o etch rat6s, how ev er
the h lIt h er i ncreased o f Ihe pressure dccI eased ITO etch rates- F rom tha anal y sis of X PS, a peak related to the
polym c r of hy d rocarbon w as ob served on the etched r r o sur face espec i al ly for hi gh C H4 co nd it ions and i t
ap peû S to af fecI ITO et ch rates.

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