연도 2002 
저널명 Surface and Coatings Technology 

The effect of recoil-implantation and out-diffusion in plasma source ion implantation (PSII) on ultra-shallow p+/n junction formation has been studied. Because the wafer is directly exposed to plasma, diborane radicals in the plasma can be adsorbed on the wafer surface. The amount of recoil-implanted boron as an additive dose was measured. In the annealing process, increasing the nitrogen pressure from vacuum to 360 torr, decreased the boron out-diffusion. In addition, increasing the annealing time rendered the boron out- and in-diffusion severe. Considering recoil implantation, the wafers were implanted with a dose of 1.98×1015 atoms/cm2. The as-implanted wafers were subsequently spike-annealed at 1000 °C in nitrogen ambient. With implant energy of 0.5 and 1 keV, ultra-shallow junction depths of 360 and 380 Å, respectively, could be acquired. In addition, sheet resistance of 420 and 373 [Omega]/[square, open] were obtained, respectively. This junction depth and sheet resistance prepared by PSII was found to satisfy next-generation memory-device doping technology.


연도 저널명 제목 조회 수
2000  Applied physics letters  Influence of Electrode-Size Effects on Plasma Sheath Expansion 7330
2001  IEEE Transactions On Plasma Science  Scaling Characteristics of Plasma Parameters for Low-Pressure Oxygen RF Discharge plasmas 4214
2001  Japanese journal of applied physics  Plasma Source Ion Implantation for Ultrashallow Junctions: Low Energy and High Dose Rate 5019
2001  Journal of applied physics  Electrostatic probe diagnostic of a planar type radio-frequency inductively coupled oxgen plasma 5836
2001  Surface & Coating Technology  The measurement of nitrogen ion species ratio in the inductively coupled plasma source ion implantation 7091
2001  Surface & Coating Technology  Measurement of sheath expansion in plasma source ion implantation 9861
2001  Journal of the Korean Physical Society  Characterization of Oxygen Plasma by Using the Langmuir Probe in an Inductively Coupled Plasma 16458
2001  Current Applied Physics  Calculation of transport parameters in KT-1 tokamak edge plasma 83693
2002  Surface and Coatings Technology  The effect of plasma exposure and annealing atmosphere on shallow junction formation using plasma source ion implantation 5430
2002  Journal of Applied Physics  Measurement of expanding plasma sheath from a target baised by a negative pulse with a fast rise time 104686
2004  Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on  Analysis of Langmuir Probe Data Using Wavelet Transform 4276
2004  Surface and Coatings Technology  Time-resolved plasma measurement in a high-power pulsed ICP source for large area 4669
2004  Key Engineering Materials  Measurement of Monodisperse Particle Charge in DC Plasma 6390
2006  Japanese Journal of Applied Physics  Etching of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Energetic Plasma Ions 4414
2006  Japanese Journal of Applied Physics  Investigation of Current on the Conducting Target Biased with a Large Negative Potential in the Non-Uniform Plasma 4577


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