연도 2016 
저널명 Science of Advanced Materials 

Plasma technology is being studied and utilized in various medical fields, which requires increased ablation rate and decreased erosion rate of the metal electrode. The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the durability and the decomposition efficacy change in the catheter tips made of molybdenum metal. Metal particle size and amount in saline medium after plasma discharge were measured by electrophoretic light scattering photometry (ELS), and the tip metal surface after discharge was observed by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and by the chemical reaction for component change. The mass defect in the tip and the decomposition rate of porcine disc by discharge time were measured by using the electric scale with a resolution of 50 g. The surface structure change on FESEM showed that the molybdenum tip was more intact than the stainless steel tip, and the surface components included Molybdenum 96.4 wt.%, Na 0.41 wt.%, and Cl 0.23 wt.%. The average size of the particles was 300±35 nm. At high level of electric power, the erosion rate of the molybdenum tip was about 1 ug/s. The erosion rate of the molybdenum catheter was 1×10−13 kg per pulse, and the durability of the catheter tip was similar to that of the tungsten tip. Furthermore, we could generate plasma over 300 at the high voltage level with the molybdenum catheter. This means that the molybdenum catheter can effectively remove more tissue.


연도 저널명 제목 조회 수
2015  Physics of Plasmas  Global model analysis of negative ion generation in low-pressure inductively coupled hydrogen plasmas with bi-Maxwellian electron energy distributions 1051
2017  Physics of Plasmas  Bullet-to-streamer transition on the liquid surface of a plasma jet in atmospheric pressure 1278
2020  Physics of Plasmas  Predictive Control of the Plasma Processes in the OLED Display Mass Production Referring to the Discontinuity Qualifying PI-VM 3867
2007  Physics of Plasmas  Variation of plasma parameters on boundary conditions in an inductively coupled plasma source for hyperthermal neutral beam generation 5358
1995  Physics of Plasmas  Magnetic and Collisional Effects on Presheaths 6027
1998  Physics of Plasmas  Azimuthally Symmetric Pseudosurface and Helicon Wave Propagation in an Inductively Coupled Plasma at Low Magnetic Field 7706
2019  Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion  Application of of PI-VM for management of the metal target plasma etching processes in OLED display manufacturing 1219
2019  Plasma Processes and Polymers  Cause Analysis of the Faults in HARC Etching Processes by Using the PI-VM Model for OLED Display Manufacturing 1341
2004  Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on  Analysis of Langmuir Probe Data Using Wavelet Transform 4276
1992  Plasma Sources Science & Technology  Measurements of the presheath in an electron cyclotron resonance etching device 4684
2000  Plasma sources science & technology  Design and operation of an Omegatron mass spectrometer for measurements of positive and negative ion species in electron cyclotron resonance plasmas 4912
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2017  Plasma Sources Science and Technology  Ion-neutral collision effect on ion-ion two-stream-instability near sheath-presheath boundary in two-ion-species plasmas 3545
2012  PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY  Characteristics of vapor coverage formation on an RF-driven metal electrode to discharge a plasma in saline solution 9712


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