연도 2019 
저널명 반도체디스플레이기술학회지 
2019, vol.18, no.4, 통권 69호 pp. 30-34 (5 pages) 

doi: 추가예정

주저자: Yun Chang Jang


We analyzed how the features in plasma information based virtual metrology (PI-VM) for SiO2 etching depth with variation of 5% contribute to the prediction accuracy, which is previously developed by Jang. As a single feature, the explanatory power to the process results is in the order of plasma information about electron energy distribution function (PIEEDF), equipment, and optical emission spectroscopy (OES) features. In the procedure of stepwise variable selection (SVS), OES features are selected after PIEEDF. Informative vector for developed PI-VM also shows relatively high correlation between OES features and etching depth. This is because the reaction rate of each chemical species that governs the etching depth can be sensitively monitored when OES features are used with PIEEDF. Securing PIEEDF is important for the development of virtual metrology (VM) for prediction of process results. The role of PIEEDF as an independent feature and the ability to monitor variation of plasma thermal state can make other features in the procedure of SVS more sensitive to the process results. It is expected that fault detection and classification (FDC) can be effectively developed by using the PI-VM. 

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