학회명 1st International Fusion and Plasma Conference 
연도 2022 
수상자 송재민 
상명 Best Poster Award 

1st International Fusion and Plasma Conference

학회명 연도 상명 수상자 제목
K-J Seminar  2016  Best Poster Award  김남균  Observation of Ions’ Motion near a Multi-Ion-Species and Weakly-Magnetized Plasma Sheath file
한국반도체학술대회  2017  Best Poster Award  유상원  Development of Phenomenological Model Based RF Power - Electron Density Controller for SF6/Ar Etch Plasma file
ICMAP  2018  Best Poster Award  노기백  Enhancement of Crack through the Depth of Grain Growth on Tungsten under Transient High Heat Flux file
ICMAP  2018  Best Poster Award  유상원  Model Predictive Control of Electron Density for Ar/SF6 Etching Plasma file
1st International Fusion and Plasma Conference  2022  Best Poster Award  송재민  Plasma information based Advanced Process Controller for Plasma Etch Process file
ISSM  2018  Best Paper Award  유상원  Real-time Etch Control to Reduce First Wafer Effect in SF6/O2/Ar Plasma file


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